Humorous Book Titles and Authors 01

Robots by Anne Droid
Hot Dog! by Frank Furter
Sea Birds by Al Batross
Beekeeping by A. P. Arry
Come on in! by Doris Open
Parachuting by Hugo First
Leo Tolstoy by Warren Peace
Pain Relief by Ann L. Gesick
Armed Heists by Robin Banks
I Love Wills by Benny Fishery
Falling Trees by Tim Burr
Why Cars Stop by M.T. Tank
Military Rule by Marshall Law
Off To Market by Tobias A. Pigg
Mosquito Bites by Ivan Itch
Red Vegetables by B. Troot
Highway Travel by Dusty Rhodes
I Hate the Sun by Gladys Knight
I Didn't Do It! by Ivan Alibi
Without Warning by Oliver Sudden
Desert Crossing by I. Rhoda Camel
Lexicon by Dick Shunnary
Winning the Race by Vic Toree
Covered Walkways by R. Kade
Breaking the Law by Kermit A. Krime
I Love Mathematics by Adam Up
Unsolved Mysteries by N. Igma
String Instruments by Viola Player
Picnicking by Alf Resco
Smash His Lobster! by Buster Crabbe
Snakes of the World by Anna Conda
The Housing Problem by Rufus Quick
Manmade Clothing by Polly Esther Topp
If I Invited Him... by Woody Kum
And the Other People by Allan Sundry
Things to Cook Meat In by Stu Potts
Pull with All You've Got! by Eve Ho
Military Defeats by Major Disaster and General Mayhem
I Lost My Balance by Eileen Dover and Paul Down
Work with Diamonds by Jules Sparkle
I Like Weeding Gardens by Manuel Labour
Who Killed Cock Robin? by Howard I. Know
Daddy are We There Yet? by Miles Away
The Palace Roof has a Hole by Lee King
I Was a Cloakroom Attendant by Mahatma Coate
‘Rusty Bedsprings’ by I. P. Knightly
‘School Sports’ by Jim Nasium
‘Seaside Amusements’ by Penny R. Cade
‘Shellfire’ by R. Tillery
‘Sitting’ by Stan Ding
‘Slimmer’s Bible’ by Lou Swaite
‘Sore Joints’ by A. King
‘Spring Showers’ by April Rain
‘Spring Shrubbery’ by Theresa Green
‘Standing in a Circle’ by Hans Joyned
‘Stand-up Comedian’ by Joe Kerr
‘Suspended’ by Dan Glynn
‘Suspense’ by Cliff Hanger
‘The Bishop’s Seat’ by Cathy Draal
‘The Bus Conductor’ by Myles Standing
'There’s a Hole in My Bucket’ by Lee King
‘Thirst Quencher’ by Bev Ridge
‘Three Wishes’ by Jean E. Ovthelamp
‘Tobacco Addiction’ by Mustapha Fagg
‘Try Harder’ by Buster Gutt
‘Turkish Fast Food’ by Donna K. Bab
'Tying Shoe Laces’ by Ben Dover
‘Underwear Problems’ by Lucy Lastic
‘Voice Amplification’ by Mike Raphone
‘Your Future’ by Claire Voyance