‘Advantageous’ by Benny Fishall
‘A History of Welsh Comedians’ by Dai Laffyn
‘Antibiotics’ by Penny Silling
‘Are You Dancing?’ by R. U. Asking
‘Art and Culture’ by Phyllis Stein
‘Bacteria’ by Mike Robes
‘Beguiled’ by N. Tyesing
‘Blushing’ by Rosie Cheeks
‘Breakfast’ by Hammond Deggs
‘Broken Window’ by Eva Brick
‘Coastal Walks’ by Cliff Topp-Path
‘Common Cold Symptoms’ by Ron E. Nose
‘Constabulary’ by Laura Norder
‘Contempt for Human Nature’ by Miss Ann Thropy
‘Crime & Punishment USA’ by Penny Tentiary
‘Mush in My Cuppa’ by Duncan Biscuits
‘Dentistry’ by Phil McCavity
‘Digital’ by Anna Logg
'Diplomatic Mission’ by M. Bassy
‘Dog’s Dinner’ by Nora Bone
‘Easily Done’ by F. Oughtless-Lee
'Favourite Pizza Toppings’ by Anne Chovie
‘Forthright’ by Frank O. Pinion
‘French Cookery’ by Sue Flay
‘French Windows’ by Pattie O’Dors
‘Geology’ by Roxanne Minerals
‘Get Rid of Your Possessions’ by Lester Worrierbout
‘Good Read’ by Paige Turner
‘Great Britain from 1837 to 1910’ by Vic Torian and Ed Wardian
‘Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow’ by I. M. Balding
‘Harassment’ by Percy Kyuwshun
‘Horrendous’ by Terry Bull
‘How can I Help?’ by Len Dahand
‘Intellectual Isolation’ by Ivor E. Towers
‘Islands’ by Archie Pelago
‘Knighthood’ by Neil Downe
‘Leaflet design’ by Pam Flett
‘Leather Preparation’ by Tanya Hyde
‘Life Before Cars’ by Orson Carte
‘Lion Taming’ by Claude Bottom
‘Living on a Budget’ by Penny Pincher
‘Looking Younger’ by Fay Slift
‘Magnificent’ by Wanda Full
‘Men Can Change’ by Betty Woant
‘Stringed instruments’ by Geeta and Amanda Lynne
‘My Crush’ by Anna Konder
‘No Longer Required’ by Sue Perflewus
‘Not Too Hot, Not Too Cold’ by Lou Quarm
'Old Age’ by Jerry Attrick
‘Optician’s Guide’ by Seymour Clearly
‘Outgoing Personality’ by Greg Arius
‘Outstanding’ by Emma Nentley
‘Over and Out’ by Roger Wilko
‘Pampered and Indulged’ by Molly Coddled
'Poked in the Eye’ by Dee Stick
‘Prison Break’ by Frieda Convict
‘Pub Crawl’ by Carrie Meholm
‘Putting on Clothes’ by Don A. Parell
‘Recommended Books’ by Betty Dreedit
‘Rowing the Pacific’ by Willy Maykit
'Dancing at the Party' by Hans Neesanboompsadaisy
'Carpet Fitting' by Walter Wall
'Whodunnit?' by Ivor Clew
The Greatest Detective Stories Ever Told by Watts E. Dunn
All You Need to Know about Explosives by Dinah Mite
'The Insurmountable problem' by Major Setback
'Grow Your Own Vegetables' by Rosa Carrotts
The Barber of Seville by Aaron Floor
Shipwrecked by Mandy Lifeboats
End of the week by Gladys Friday